Passing earth to a child

Ways to Give

Young boy on Grandparent's shoulders

Planned Giving

Planned gifts have the unparalleled potential to increase Texas Biomed’s ability to be a force for good in the world, while often affording exceptional financial and tax benefits to planned gift benefactors.

Capital Giving

Capital funding helps equip Institute labs and scientists with the most modern equipment and technologies. Past support has helped the development of many key resources currently utilized in Texas Biomed’s pursuit of science.  

Person in Lab in biohazard suit

Kids looking into microscope

Endowment Giving

Endowment funding enables Texas Biomed to sustain everlasting excellence by providing continuous support towards the improvement of programs, facilities and operations. This is crucial to ensure long-term sustainability and an ongoing commitment to improving health outcomes.

Honor and Memorial Gifts

Honor and Memorial Giving

Whether a lasting remembrance of a loved one or as an expression of congratulations for a milestone event, a contribution to Texas Biomed can serve to honor those through a shared vision for a brighter future of health.

Family in tent

Golden Circle statue

Honor and Memorial Gifts

The Golden Circle

The Texas Biomedical Research Institute Golden Circle is an esteemed giving society for those interested in driving discoveries that transform biomedical research. Established in 1977, the Golden Circle invests in the mission of Texas Biomed and has a direct impact on the health of people worldwide.

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